Christmas@theCastle this weekend
8th December 2015Everyone is invited to enjoy Christmas@theCastle this weekend as local choirs, musicians, entertainers, schools and traders come together to celebrate the festive season.
From Friday to Sunday, visitors will have the chance to listen to some seasonal music, join in the carol-singing, do some last minute Christmas crafts shopping and even enjoy an interactive Nativity Play.
There will be a unique screening of the Get Santa feature film in the very place it was originally filmed (A-Wing) and those who watch will then be able to join Santa for his Christmas lunch. This is already proving extremely popular, so please book in advance to avoid disappointment!
Anyone not watching the film will still have the chance to meet Santa in our very own Santa’s Grotto where children will also be able to post off their letters in a Fast-Track Festive Mailbox.
The entertainment programme is diverse, offering literally something for everyone, with jazz quartets, classical ensembles, brass bands, a ukulele orchestra and a carnival band all bringing their unique style to our traditional Christmas.
Choirs and music groups from Ripley St Thomas and the Priory will be performing live on the Courtyard stage, while Churches Together in Lancaster will be performing an interactive Nativity Play after parading into the Castle from Market Square.
A selection of craft stalls will be set up under canvas and across the upper courtyard, together with a Very Merry Bar Tent, selling mulled wine and seasonal craft beers from Lancaster Brewery. Our Courtyard Café will also be offering a range of delicious foods and hot and cold drinks to suit all ages.
Entry to the Castle is free of charge. There is a small charge (£5) for entry to our Santa’s Grotto and the Get Santa/Santa Snacks package (£20 for children, £12.50 for accompanying adults) must be pre-booked
in advance via our website
Come and join us for a weekend that will get everyone in the mood for Christmas!
The full Christmas@theCastle programme is as follows:
Friday 11th December 2015
10.30 to 19.30 Christmas Crafts
12.00 to 19.00 Santas Grotto in the Well Tower
12.00 to 14.00 Gillow Ukelelians
14.15 to 16.30 Ripley St Thomas School
1645. to 17.30 Astral Circus Fire Show
17.30 to 19.00 Bay Beat Band (carnival)
Saturday 12th December 2015
10.30 to 19.30 Christmas Crafts
11.30 to 12.00 Churches Together in Lancaster (Nativity Play followed by carols)
12.00 to 19.00 Santas Grotto in the Well Tower
12.15 to 14.00 Lancaster City Brass
14.15 to 15.00 Churches Together in Lancaster (Nativity Play followed by carols)
15.00 to 16.15 Priory Choir
16.15 to 17.00 Churches Together in Lancaster (Nativity Play followed by carols)
17.30 to 19.00 Sun Street Stompers (jazz)
Sunday 13th December 2015
10.30 to 19.30 Christmas Crafts
12.00 to 19.00 Santas Grotto in the Well Tower
12.00 to 14.00 ULMS Brass Band
14.00 to 16.00 Ripley St Thomas School
16.15 to 17.00 Astral Circus Fire Show
17.00 to 19.00 Bay Beat Band (carnival).