
Box Making with Heather Lewis 22nd and 23rd July2024

Box making evolved from fifteenth century ecclesiastical three-dimensional padded work, raised work became popular in the seventeenth century especially in the decoration of caskets or boxes. Daughters of affluent families would buy ready printed linen from embroidery pedlars; these were then stitched often depicting political themes – caterpillars for Charles I and butterflies for Charles II. The boxes were then constructed by professional joiners.

Nowadays boxes are made from fabric covered card and once decorated, stitched together by hand.
In this two-day class we will be constructing a beautiful pull through box (19cm x10cm x 6cm), ideal for keeping your threads in order.

All card will be pre-cut, so no mistakes and no boring slicing.

A selection of fabric will be available, but feel free to bring your own if you have a special piece.

The class is restricted to ten people with two tutors, so lots of individual attention. It includes kits and an Atkinson’s coffee – £200.

duchy of lancaster